
teenage engineering
noise perceivers
cloo design studio
sounds of dust
music of the brain
analog speakers
making fire
fire research
leather works


music of the brain, music of your dreams

“ mental activity, usually in the form of an imagined series of events, thoughts,
images and sensations, occuring in a person’s mind during certain phases of sleep like REM stage.”


in a more and more dematerialized society where every interaction tends to be digitalized or virtualized through an electronic product, how do we define what is real and what is virtual for us ?

this project aims to create new interactions with our mind, brain and dreams and internally generated perceptions by playing with sound, designing a new experience between the user and his own data.

materials : wood, steel, brass, plexiglass
controller : Google Open NSynth project

in collaboration with Stockholm University’s Stress Research Institute and their Sleep Laboratory, i collected some EEGs data from different patients that I’ve converted into sounds.
as a way to materialize virtual and individual experiences like dreams, to share and make them collective, to become more aware of our relationship with our brain and mind, and to interact with human data.

as a critic of electronic products which aim to dematerialize experiences or artifacts, reducing the range of emotions, this project aims to expand interactions, placing the user as the protagonist and co-producer or a narrative experience, by materializing something immaterial, dreams, into something visual and playful.

making real something virtual.

could we dream together ? visiting the experience or the dream of someone else ?
does the signal or the sound carry a finger print of your personality ?
could we dream about the same dream by listening to the sound again ? could someone else dream about it ?
could this personal uniqueness of the sound become a way to share emotions and sensations ?

Arne Lowden - researcher, Sleep Lab, Stockholm University

Tim Leufkens - senior Scientist, Philips Research Department
Albert Borgmann - philosopher
Stephen Whitmarsh - Nneuroscientist, EEG Synth and 1+1=3